Friday, October 14, 2011

How to Time Your Trip to Cairo

Remnants of Egypt's ancient civilization blend with the modern city of Cairo as the Nile river winds through the city. Egypt's capital city is the largest city in Egypt and all of Africa. A Cairo trip offers much for the traveler to see and do, particularly if you learn how to time your trip to Cairo.


  1. Know that Cairo's peak season for travel is from October to May.
    • Prices go up during this high season, particularly hotel costs.
    • Reservations are recommended for hotels when you visit Cairo during peak travel times.
  2. Consider a Cairo trip during the summer low season if you don't mind the heat.
    • The hottest time of year is from April through October with July as the warmest month.
    • Highs can top 100 degrees Fahrenheit (38 degrees Celsius).
    • Egyptians like to escape the heat of Cairo weather when possible, so Cairo hotels often offer discounts and incentives at this time.
    • Fewer crowds are found at Cairo attractions during this time.
  3. Pay attention to other aspects of Cairo weather and climate when planning your trip.
    • The first half of the year is often a dry period with May often being the driest month.
    • January has the lowest temperatures, around 50 degrees Fahrenheit (10 degrees Celsius).
    • The Khamsin wind is a warm wind that blows sand in from the desert for a few days in March or April.
  4. Enjoy Cairo weather during the brief spring from March to April (aside from the Khamsin wind).
  5. Protect yourself from Cairo's pollution, which is the worst in autumn before the winter rains.
  6. Pass up a Cairo trip during school holidays if you plan on spending time on the Mediterranean beaches north of the city.
    • Beaches can be extremely crowded during the school holidays.
  7. Visit Cairo with care during holidays. Egypt has a large number of secular and religious holidays.
    • Government and public buildings are often closed on secular holidays like National Day and Armed Forces Day, although tourist attractions remain open.
    • Religious holidays also affect the availability of public services. The Orthodox Christmas on Jan. 7 is a national holiday in Egypt.
  8. Remain flexible if you visit Cairo during the month of Ramadan, usually beginning in early September.
    • Ramadan is the month of fasting between sunrise and sunset.
    • Ramadan ends with Eid el Fitr, a 3-day celebration during which traditional sweets are consumed.
    • Night time festivals and neighborhood celebrations during Ramadan can be enjoyable to watch and experience.
    • Many public buildings and retailers have shorter work days during Ramadan.
  9. Avoid travel to Cairo during the holiday of Eid Al Adha, which is held around Dec. 8 (many Islamic holidays are determined by the lunar calendar).
    • This holiday is celebrated by the slaughtering of animals, such as cows, goats, and sheep. The slaughter takes place in streets, parking lots, and basically anywhere else.
    • Westerners often dislike the sight of animals bleeding to death in Cairo's streets.
    • In the days leading up to Eid Al Adha, the streets are jammed with trucks bringing livestock into the city.


  • Women may want to dress modestly to avoid unwanted attention when they travel to Cairo.


  • In early 2011, the U.S. State Department issued a travel warning advising against travel to Egypt due to political unrest. Before travel to Cairo, view the latest information from the U.S. government at

Sources and Citations

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